
Wednesday Feb 09, 2022
Robert Pickton
Wednesday Feb 09, 2022
Wednesday Feb 09, 2022
For over 20 years, a Canadian serial killer was stalking Vancouver, living on a pig farm and hiding the bodies either by feeding them to the pigs or to people he knew! Meet Robert "Willy" Pickton, raised by an abusive neglectful mother on a pig farm that he took over after her death and turn into a house of horrors. Spanning over 25 years and close to 40 "alleged" murders, he was finally convicted in 2006 of only 6 murders. Tonight we will be discussing his past, the victims, the botched investigation and his conviction.
Sponsor - Calm Your Body Down LLC
'Salem's Secret' by Peter Gundry

Wednesday Feb 02, 2022
The Watcher House
Wednesday Feb 02, 2022
Wednesday Feb 02, 2022
In an affluent neighborhood in New Jersey in 2014, a couple & their 3 kids move into a new home and immediately start receiving strange letters in the mail from someone calling themselves "The Watcher". First the letters seemed odd, then they quickly turned menacing. Who was sending these letters and why? Was it a crazy neighbor, some jilted buyer who lost out on the sale of the house, or worse? Listen in tonight as we discuss the family, the house and the mystery surrounding The Watcher.
Sponsor - Calm Your Body Down LLC
'Salem's Secret' by Peter Gundry

Wednesday Jan 26, 2022
Wednesday Jan 26, 2022
Wednesday Jan 26, 2022
The Melon heads are a legend that expands 3 different states: Ohio, Michigan and Connecticut. Melon heads themselves were supposedly children with hydrocephalus (water on the brain) that were either being experimented on or housed in an asylum or prison, and then later escaped into the woods to terrorize the neighboring towns and in some tales, resorted to cannibalism. Listen in tonight as we discuss each state's Melon head legend as well as the strange history of the towns they reside.
Sponsor - Calm Your Body Down LLC
'Salem's Secret' by Peter Gundry

Wednesday Jan 19, 2022
The Mysterious Disappearance of Brian Shaffer
Wednesday Jan 19, 2022
Wednesday Jan 19, 2022
Brian Shaffer was a 27 year old college student when in 2006 he went missing and was last seen in a Columbus, Ohio bar. To this day, there have been no updates or evidence pointing to what may or may not have happened to him. There have been, however, dozens of theories from murder, human trafficking or the possibility that Brian left to start a new life. Tonight we discuss his disappearance, his friends & family and our own ideas compared to the known theories. Any information regarding Brian Shaffer, contact Columbus Police at 614-645-2358 or Central Ohio Crimestoppers at 614-461-8477.
Sponsor - Calm Your Body Down LLC
'Salem's Secret' by Peter Gundry

Wednesday Jan 12, 2022
Elsewhere, KY
Wednesday Jan 12, 2022
Wednesday Jan 12, 2022
What started as a Reddit thread turned into a "Does this place exist or not?" story. The town of Elsewhere in Kentucky has been talked about in many ways shapes and forms but is not found on any map. It is impossible to find anything concrete about the town. The story that was told seemed a bit far fetched but at the same time do you think a place like this COULD exist?? What do YOU think??
Sponsor - Calm Your Body Down LLC
'Salem's Secret' by Peter Gundry

Wednesday Jan 05, 2022
Best of Horror 2021
Wednesday Jan 05, 2022
Wednesday Jan 05, 2022
We are back this week with our top 9 of 2021 because why not have an odd number with such an odd year! 2021 was full of long awaited sequels, reboots and originals, so we hope you enjoy what we picked! We also discuss a few up and coming horror flicks that will be coming out this year as well. Will 2022 horror live up to what 2021 had to offer??
Sponsor - Calm Your Body Down LLC
'Salem's Secret' by Peter Gundry

Wednesday Dec 22, 2021
A Christmas Carol
Wednesday Dec 22, 2021
Wednesday Dec 22, 2021
"You will be visited by 3 ghosts..." Ebenezer Scrooge was cruel and unkind most of his life until one fateful Christmas Eve night changed everything. A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens was first in print in 1843 and is the OG Christmas horror story. There have been countless adaptations in the last 178 years and tonight we discuss some our favorites along with our favorite ghost designs.
Sponsor - Calm Your Body Down LLC
'Salem's Secret' by Peter Gundry

Wednesday Dec 15, 2021
Robert Durst
Wednesday Dec 15, 2021
Wednesday Dec 15, 2021
Death seems to follow Robert Durst everywhere. But is he the Grim Reaper? Born into a life of wealth, Robert seemed to have it all. When his first wife disappeared in the early 80s, everything after that fell apart. After 40 long years and 3 murders later, Robert is currently in prison for life as of November of this year. Tonight we discuss the life and crimes of Robert Durst as related to the 2015 documentary The Jinx which is currently streaming on HBO Max.
Sponsor - Calm Your Body Down LLC
'Salem's Secret' by Peter Gundry

Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
Silent Night, Deadly Night Part 1 & 2
Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
GARBAGE DAY!!! Actually, its Wednesday and that means an all new DFWTO episode! Since it's that most wonderful time of year, our movie episode is about Silent Night, Deadly Night and it's sequel, Silent Night, Deadly Night 2. When 2 brothers witness the murder of their parents by a demented Santa right before Christmas, they grow up extremely traumatized and become murderous Santas themselves. Don't let Billy or Ricky catch you being naughty!
Sponsor - Calm Your Body Down LLC
'Salem's Secret' by Peter Gundry

Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
Interview w/ ScaryGhostStories
Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
We've got another great interview for you guys! Tonight we're talking to Danielle, host of Scary Ghost Stories on YouTube. Her videos are all things haunted locations and spirits! Tune in as we interview her about how she got into her YouTube channel and all about the paranormal! Make sure to go check her out on both Instagram and YouTube under ScaryGhostStories!
Sponsor - Calm Your Body Down LLC
'Salem's Secret' by Peter Gundry